Subj : Break in attempt To : All From : Ward Dossche Date : Wed Mar 06 2024 01:36 pm This was funny, someone tried to break into my account with thousands and thousands multiple attempts with differing passwords ... really interesting to observe ... here's an example ... \%/@rd "anonymous" "123456" "admin" "root" "password" "123123" "123" "pass1234" "ftp" "ftpftp" "ftp1" "ftp123" "ftp2016" "ftp2015" "ftp!" "" "P@ssw0rd!!" "qwa123" "12345678" "test" "123qwe!@#" "123456789" "123321" "1314520" "159357" "ftp2017" "666666" "woaini" "fuckyou" "000000" "1234567890" "8888888" "qwerty" "1qaz2wsx" "abc123" "abc123456" "1q2w3e4r" "123qwe" "ftp2019" "ftp2018" "p@ssw0rd" "p@55w0rd" "password!" "p@ssw0rd!" "password1" "r00t" "tomcat" "5201314" "system" "pass" "1234" "12345" "1234567" "devry" "111111" "admin123" "derok010101" "windows" "" "qazxswedc`123" "qwerty123456" "qazxswedc" --- DB4 - 20230201 * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854) .