Subj : Break in attempt To : Ward Dossche From : Christian Vanguers Date : Tue Mar 12 2024 03:20 pm Hello Ward! 06 Mar 24 13:36, you wrote to all: WD> This was funny, someone tried to break into my account with thousands WD> and thousands multiple attempts with differing passwords ... really WD> interesting to observe ... here's an example ... WD> \%/@rd WD> "anonymous" WD> "123456" WD> "admin" WD> "root" WD> "password" WD> "123123" WD> "123" Clearly a dictionnary attack. Very likely the popular "rockyou" wordlist that every budding hacker is taught to use. The wordlist contains the passwords from the many data leaks over the years and it's the very first list they will usually try on a target. # zcat /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz | wc -l 14344392 Chris --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20170303 * Origin: ----> SPARK BBS (2:292/2226) .