Subj : Hamas & Israel To : ALL From : Lee Lofaso Date : Wed Mar 13 2024 04:36 am Hello Everybody, Give the Devil his due, as he sure does know how to get his way. At least, according to Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin (in reference to Hamas and the IDF in Gaza) - "The two situations certainly have in common the fact that they have dangerously widened beyond any acceptable limit, that they cannot be resolved, that they have repercussions in different countries, and that no solution can be found without serious negotiation." Does the Israeli Prime Minister negotiate with terrorists? Does the leader of Hamas negotiate with terrorists? Does the President of the United States negotatiate with terrorists? Does any other leader in the world negoatiate with terrorists? One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Who is to say who is fighting for freedom, and who is fighting for something else? What exactly qualifies as "freedom? Is it "freedom of" or "freedom from"? Perhaps it is none of the above, as freedom could be just another word for nothing left to lose. Cardinal Parolin claims warring parties should have "the courage to negotiate, which is never to surrender." His words, not mine. Of course, he is mimicking what Pope Francis has said the other day, expressing his own desire for Ukraine to "raise the white flag" - without expressly telling Ukrainians to surrender their own land to Mother Russia. Carinal Parolin then went on to say which side should raise the white flag first, as "It should be the aggressors who cease fire first and then the opening of negotiations." Oh, my. Russia invades Crimea (a part of Ukraine) in 2014. And then claimed Crimea as part of its own land. With no negotiations at all with any other country. And then, Russia went back for more, in 2022, invading more sections of Ukraine. With no negotiations with any other country. And still, Cardinal Parolin continues his mantra, claiming "... negoatiating is not weakness but strength. It's not surrender but courage." My, my. The Vatican Secretary of State most certainly is deluded. So is the Pope, who is always dressed in white, as if to make himself appear innocent of all that is going on around him. It doesn't take much research to find out when and where the white flag principle began. It has been around for centuries, in various cultures around the world. Easily understood by all what it means. In fact, the white flag was written into the Geneva Conventions in the 19th century as the official international symbol of surrender. So how could the Vatican Secretary of State, and the Pope, not know the very basic of the meaning of the white flag? It means SURRENDER! According to the Geneva Conventions, it is illegal to feign surrender with a white flag. Can anybody in their right mind imagine any warring party faking it in order to keep themselves from getting slaughtered? The Pope and all his Swiss Guards must be mad. Truly mad. Stalin was right when he asked the question - "How many battalions does the pope have?" Now we know why the Pope never excommunicated Hitler. The white flag is still the international standard and it is used both in combat situations and popular culture. So when did it come to mean something other than "surrender"? For Life, Lee -- You can tell Monopoly is an old game because there's a luxury tax and rich people can go to jail. --- MesNews/ * Origin: news:// (2:203/2) .