Subj : Re: Hamas & Israel To : alexander koryagin From : Ward Dossche Date : Thu Mar 14 2024 10:16 am Alexander, It's good to see you're alive and doing well... ak> And Russian troops also would have no reasons to shoot. Russian troops, as it was, had no reason to start firing in the first place, it was them that did and the only thing they had coming their way was defensive fire. ak> ... especially while it was perfectly obvious that ak> making slaves from Ukrainians was not Russia's aim... Hmmm ... you must've seen the Russian version of FoxNews. Putin has repeatedly declared that the Ukrainian state had no historical reason for being, it should be wiped away ... erased from the pages of history ... Military annexation in several steps ... first Crimea to see how the West would react, then Ukraine, then the Baltic states. then Poland... The only reason how Donald Trump could become elected was Russian intervention because Putin knew he was a hidden ally, and it was all part of the grand scheme ... and it continues .... The Americans need to understand their Presidential elections this year are not about who's the better President for the USA (because ... really ... nobody is served well by gerontocracy) ... it's about the de-stabilisation of NATO, undermining the upport and survival of Ukraine and enabling the expansionist dreams of a handful of egoists in Moscow. Slaves? You have become the slave .. sir. \%/@rd --- DB4 - 20230201 * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854) .