Subj : Hamas & Israel To : alexander koryagin From : Lee Lofaso Date : Fri Mar 15 2024 12:16 am Hello Alexander, LL>> It doesn't take much research to find out when and where the LL>> white flag principle began. It has been around for centuries, LL>> in various cultures around the world. Easily understood by all LL>> what it means. Easily understood is a claim, but not an empty one. Which type of claim makes all the difference in the world. Which is why there are only three of them (in someone else's territory) - * a legal claim * an emotional claim * an accidental claim So which type of claim(s) are all these differing warring parties talking about? Could be all of them for all we know. LL>> In fact, the white flag was written into the Geneva Conventions LL>> in the 19th century as the official international symbol of LL>> surrender. So how could the Vatican Secretary of State, and the LL>> Pope, not know ??the very basic of the meaning of the white LL>> flag? It means SURRENDER! ak> Surrender can be different. In an interview recorded last month with Swiss broadcaster RSI the Pope used the phrase "the courage of the white flag" as he argued in favor of Ukraine throwing in the towel in surrender to its nemesis - without saying out loud who that nemesis is. ak> If less idiots have been in Kiev they could have ordered the Ukrainian army ak> not to do a single shot. The Vatican Secretary of State tried to clarify the Pope's remarks by blaming it all on Russia, knowing full well that no Russian soldier worth his salt would ever open fire on innocent men, women, children, and babies. Idiots, maybe. Except only by mistake. And then he went on to blame both Hamas and Israel for causing the mess in Gaza, claiming both sides should surrender. Sometimes I wonder about the sanity of theologians. ak> And Russian troops also would have no reasons to shoot. That is the truth. The whole truth. And nothing but the truth. ak> It would have been a funny situation when Russian troops could let defile ak> along Ukrainian roads having behind, on the right, on left the Ukrainian ak> guns constantly connected with Russian army temple. They rolled out the red carpet in Hollywood the other night for the Oscar Awards. With a comedian from Ukraine leading the way. Won the award for best documentary about a town that no longer exists. ak> It could have been a funny bloodless war company in humans history, and the ak> resolution of the conflict could be found peacefully, The film "Oppenheimer" also won a bunch of awards. But Opie wanted a different ending, with a demonstration to show the Emperor his true intentions were far different from what Harry Truman wanted. What Harry Truman wanted was gooks going up in a giant fireball. ak> especially while it was perfectly obvious that making slaves from Ukrainians ak> was not Russia's aim... What was the purpose of dropping two atomic bombs on Japanese cities? How many innocents lost their lives as a result? Truman hated Asians. Especially Japanese. But that was not his main reason. Nobody wants to say it, but we all know the real reason. Hint: The Japanese military had offered a total surrender a full month before atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ak> Well, if less idiots have been in Kiev... who valued human lives of ak> Ukrainians. "Many young people, many young people go to die (in war). Let's pray to the Lord to give us the grace to overcome this madness of war, which is always a defeat." ~Pope Francis, 13 March 2024 Russian President Vladimir Putin then contratulated Pope Francis on the 11th anniversary of his election as pope. For Life, Lee -- GOP thinks banning guns won't elminate guns. GOP thinks banning abortion will elininate abortions. --- MesNews/ * Origin: news:// (2:203/2) .