Subj : Hamas & Israel To : alexander koryagin From : Alex Shuman Date : Fri Mar 15 2024 08:17 pm x) Friday Mar 15, 2024, 09:44. alexander koryagin ÄÄ Alex Shuman. ak>>> Surrender can be different. If less idiots have been in Kiev they ak>>> could have ordered the Ukrainian army not to do a single shot. AS>> If less idiots have been in Kremlin they could have ordered the AS>> Russian army not to enter Crimea and other parts of Ukraine in AS>> 2014... ak> Lawful, elected President of Ukraine had been outthrown by the mob, No, it was revolution, after he ran away from his people. ak> could not pass without consequence. As I said before here -- the people ak> who elected the outthrown President from Crimea, southern and eastern ak> Ukraine had full right to be outraged, do not accept new authority in ak> Kiev and even fight against it, especially when they became the target ak> of the military suppression by the Ukrainian army. It was not the native people, it was paramilitary Russian groups, then Russian army. ak> Russia could not stay away, whoever was in power there, unless it ak> lost conscience and proud not defending those Russians in Ukraine. They could have just accepted all those Russians back, not to invade foreign country. --- Neon BBS Line 2, 570-57-80, 20:30-06:30. [] * Origin: Neon_#2, Kiev, Ukraine (2:463/877) .