Subj : Hamas & Israel To : Alex Shuman From : alexander koryagin Date : Mon Mar 18 2024 09:11 am Hi, Alex Shuman! I read your message from 15.03.2024 21:17 ak>>>> Surrender can be different. If less idiots have been in Kiev ak>>>> they could have ordered the Ukrainian army not to do a single ak>>>> shot. AS>>> If less idiots have been in Kremlin they could have ordered the AS>>> Russian army not to enter Crimea and other parts of Ukraine in AS>>> 2014... ak>> Lawful, elected President of Ukraine had been outthrown by the ak>> mob, AS> No, it was revolution, after he ran away from his people. "Revolution" is another word for "coup" or mutiny. BTW, the attempt of capture the Capitol, after Trump losing the elections, is very similar event and is considered in the USA as a heavy crime. Again, we can note, that for some people in the USA it was not a crime. Similarily, the Ukrainian nationalists from western Ukraine don't think they commit a crime. But as a rule every revolution causes a civil war. Again and again -- law is very important! Yushchenko won Ukrainian president elections in 2005 (defeating Yanukovich), and then _everybody_ in Ukraine excepted it. Because it was a legal event. Russia also had no motive to to interfere. ak>> could not pass without consequence. As I said before here -- the ak>> people who elected the outthrown President from Crimea, southern ak>> and eastern Ukraine had full right to be outraged, do not accept ak>> new authority in Kiev and even fight against it, especially when ak>> they became the target of the military suppression by the ak>> Ukrainian army. AS> It was not the native people, it was paramilitary Russian groups, AS> then Russian army. Protasov told me about a group of 50 paramilitaries who entered Ukraine then. But it was in vain, unless local people fight also. As for the real Russian army -- it was not in Donbass until 2022 because there are no reports it used aviation, long range rockets as it does now. It is funny to think than somebody sends his army to somewhere and prohibits it using heavy weapon. ak>> Russia could not stay away, whoever was in power there, unless it ak>> lost conscience and proud not defending those Russians in Ukraine. AS> They could have just accepted all those Russians back, not to AS> invade foreign country. If to be true, it must be said that during the USSR time at least 40 percent people in Ukraine were Russian people. After Ukraine became independent they were ordered ;-) to consider themselves as Ukrainians and it was the shame and a time bomb. In short it is a crazy idea to suggest to millions of Russians in Ukraine go to Russia. They live on their own land and defend it. Bye, Alex! Alexander Koryagin fido.fidonews, 2024 --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0 * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130) .