Subj : Re: Hamas & Israel To : alexander koryagin From : Ward Dossche Date : Wed Mar 20 2024 09:11 am Alexander, ak>WD> Actually, was that not a UN-intervention mandated by the ak>WD> Security Council? ak>WD> Two of my cousins, Belgian nationality, served on those ak>WD> missions ... ak> ;-) Do you beleive that the attack was on the agenda of the Security ak> Council and Russia and Chine approved it and did not vetoed it? ak> PS: western lying propaganda My dear friend, you have just demonstrated you have no clue what you are talking about. If Russia and/or China had vetoed the intervention, it simply would not have happened. That's how the UN system works. Listening to what my cousins had to say about it, it was not as clear-cut as your system is intending to make you believe ... \%/@rd --- DB4 - 20230201 * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854) .