Subj : Re: Hamas & Israel To : alexander koryagin From : Ward Dossche Date : Fri Mar 22 2024 08:52 am ak> I will not discuss who are rogue countries, but it perfectly clear to me ak> that the western double standards in treating military crimes in Gaza ak> and Russian operation in Ukraine show clearly who is a hypocrite. I wish ak> you ("justice defenders") so that thousands killed Palestinian children ak> come to you in nightmare and point at you with their broken bloody ak> fingers. In that region the real problem is Iran fighting a number of proxy-wars via their armed militia known as Hamas, Hezbollah, Houti ... and now they are providing weapons to Russia ... It's not Saudi-Arabia, it's mot the Emirates .... remove Iran from the equation and the Middle-East violence stops...remove the clergy, disband the revolutionary guards and the violence stops. As for the number of people killed ... show the corpses ... Just like that Russian airplane that crashed with so-called a hundred Ukrainian prisoners of war (with hardly a guard) ... show the corpses ... \%/@rd --- DB4 - 20230201 * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854) .