Subj : Hamas & Israel To : Ward Dossche From : Lee Lofaso Date : Fri Mar 22 2024 10:34 pm Hello Ward, ak>> I will not discuss who are rogue countries, but it perfectly clear to me ak>> that the western double standards in treating military crimes in Gaza ak>> and Russian operation in Ukraine show clearly who is a hypocrite. I wish ak>> you ("justice defenders") so that thousands killed Palestinian children ak>> come to you in nightmare and point at you with their broken bloody ak>> fingers. WD> In that region the real problem is Iran fighting a number of proxy-wars via WD> their armed militia known as Hamas, Hezbollah, Houti ... You are saying all Muslims, whether Shia or Sunni, are terrorists? What about Christians, whether Catholic or Protestant? Are they also terrorists? What about Jews? Do they get an exemption? WD> and now they are providing weapons to Russia ... Terrorists providing weapons to a criminal ruler of a criminal state and people. That's a good one, Ward. Even for you. WD> It's not Saudi-Arabia, it's mot the Emirates ... There are two million innocent men, women, and children in Gaza. Many of them starving, including women who are pregnant. Well over 35,000 civilisns have been killed, so far, with far more who will be joining them very soon. Over one million of those civilians are fenced in Rafa, surrounded by Israeli troops, and will become part of the rubble that will be made of what used to be a city. And yet Saudi Arabia continues to refuse to allow any Palestinian to seek refuge on their soil. The same with the Emirates and other Arab states. So please. Do not blame everything on the USA or Russia for causing the fine mess created by your good friends in Israel. WD> remove Iran from the equation and the Middle-East violence stops... Shia Muslims and Sunni Muslims have never been the best of friends. Kind of like Catholics and Protestants. Only with lethal weapons. WD> remove the clergy, An atheist world? Dream on, my friend. Dream on. WD> disband the revolutionary guards and the violence stops. Palestinian kids love to throw rocks at soldiers. And tanks. Have you ever taken a look at the size of those rocks? They are exactly the same size as a major league baseball. And also the exact same weight. Imagine the millions of dollars they could make if they signed up as pitchers for tne Yankees or Astros ... WD> As for the number of people killed ... show the corpses ... Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Remember, corpses are also counted as hostages ... WD> Just like that Russian airplane that crashed with so-called a hundred WD> Ukrainian prisoners of war (with hardly a guard) ... show the corpses ... The rumor mill must be in full swing in your part of the world. Everybody knows that planes do not just fall out of the sky. Kind of like people falling out of windows in tall buildings. For Life, Lee -- GOP thinks banning guns won't elminate guns. GOP thinks banning abortion will elininate abortions. --- MesNews/ * Origin: news:// (2:203/2) .