Subj : Hamas & Israel To : alexander koryagin From : Alex Shuman Date : Tue Mar 26 2024 08:37 pm x) Tuesday Mar 26, 2024, 15:28. alexander koryagin ÄÄ Alex Shuman. AS>>>> No, it was revolution, after he ran away from his people. ak>>> "Revolution" is another word for "coup" or mutiny. AS>> It depends... This one was certainly people's will and not a AS>> military coup. ak> It was the people's will... of the half of Ukraine. Or even less, taking ak> into account how many people elected Yanukovich. That's why another part ak> of Ukraine has not accepted this "will". Most of them accepted. Only a handful of paramilitaries did not. ak> Minority! Trump is also supported by almost a half of Americans. And ak> most active of these people had come to the Capitol. If they had managed ak> to depose Biden and the Republican majority in Congress approved it -- ak> it would have been the same situation as in Ukraine. And surely, many ak> American would not accept the coup which violate their choice. I mean, the ones who actually stormed the Capitol were a minority. And they commited crimes. On the other way, Maidan protests were mostly peaceful, until snipers began shooting random people (100+). AS>> Then Yanukovich won, then people got tired of him and his anti- AS>> people politics, then Russia decided to interfere. ak> Elections then were a perfectly legal way to dismiss President. And it ak> is funny to listen when somebody says about all the people, "They ak> tired"! ;-) And they made a revolution! It is funny to hear such an ak> agrument as the justification for the political coup in Ukraine -- then ak> the democratic country without any tyranny!!! The actual problem was just before the revolution, introduction of "dictatorship laws" and attempt to turn Ukraine into a police state. AS>> Most of fighters were from Russia. They used Russian weapons. ak> In Donbass the rebels captured military bases and got a lot of weapon. ak> Why does it sound incredible? Most of weapons were smuggled from Russia border, though. AS>> Well, they either could go to Russia or accept their Ukrainian AS>> citizenship, not to invite Russia to start a colonial war. Also, AS>> don't mix Russian-speaking people with Russian citizens. ak> Ukraine could be a country both Ukrainians and Russians. Indeed, it was. Before Putin annexed Crimea then supported fighting in East Ukraine then officially invaded Ukraine. We had quite good relations with Russia till then. --- Neon BBS Line 2, 570-57-80, 20:30-06:30. [] * Origin: Neon_#2, Kiev, Ukraine (2:463/877) .