Subj : Hamas & Israel To : Ward Dossche From : alexander koryagin Date : Thu Mar 28 2024 09:11 am Hi, Ward Dossche! I read your message from 27.03.2024 10:08 ak>> Agreed. Have you said about the butchery of the civilians ak>> and thousands of children in Gaza by Israeli bombing? ;-\ WD> WD> The only confirmed numbers are the Israeli victims of the raid WD> which caused all this. WD> The numbers of Hamas, unverified, are just as reliable as WD> Putins ... Multiple collapsed multy-story appartments as well as multiple mass graves keep dead bodies well. For the he Hague trial. All people saw the criminal bombing in live reporting by Al-Jazira. Israel will answer for its hideous crimes in Gaza. If you are a Jew you are a bad Jew defending such a crime. Bye, Ward! Alexander Koryagin fido.fidonews 2024 --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0 * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130) .