Subj : Terror in Moscow To : Lee Lofaso From : alexander koryagin Date : Thu Mar 28 2024 10:14 am Hi, Lee Lofaso! I read your message from 28.03.2024 04:21 ak>> Jihadists are, before all other things, religious fanatics -- LL> Who is, or is not, a "religious fanatic"? Do MAGA idiots qualify? LL> After all, Donald Trump claims to be another Jesus Christ. And he LL> may be. At least to his MAGA crowd. Well, you can see that MAGA fanatics are not mercenaries. They stormed the Capitol not for money, but for some idea and their view of justice. And being caught they clearly told the court about their motives. The Crocus terrorists also could tell about their ideological motives. But there weren't any. Indeed their faces were not looked intact after the capturing procedure, but it was not a multy-years torture by drowning as it does the US with the suspects in Guantanamo. LL> Get real. None of Trump's followers were afraid to say their LL> slogans on January 6. In fact, none of Trump's followers were LL> afraid to act out their own fantasies. Yes. LL> Let's do keep this in mind. LL> Trump's followers did their patriotic duty on January 6. And Trump LL> has publicly stated that he will forgove them all. Once he takes LL> the oath of office. Again. Well, it depends on the point of view. If you claim that the events in Kiev 2014 were perfectly legal, you can easily say that the entering the Capitol was just a people protest. LL> So who are the real "terrorists"? Do they even exist? We say not about terrorists in general, but about religious IS fanatics -- the people who allegedly committed the attack on Crocus. LL> One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. LL> Which shoe fits your foot? Those captured said nothing about motives, accepting that they said that it was done for money. ak>> The guys who has done the terror attack in Crocus City Hall have ak>> been captured and they said quite different things. LL> Some guys. Picked up for questioning. Saying whatever their captors LL> want them to say, in order to stop getting tortured. How does that LL> get any real answers as to who really did it, and why? Why do you think that the motive "we did it for money" is more acceptable for FSB than "we did it because we fight with damn infidels"? Is there a good reason for torture? ;-) ak>> They only have said that they did this terror act for money. LL> See there? They fessed up. Somebody paid their bar tab. And you LL> know how it is in Russian pubs. Nobody keeps their receipts. If the US, with its spying technology, wanted -- it could easily tell who paid them, who called them, from where, and even to give the dialogues printed copy. But the contents of this dialogues probably exclude this possibility. ;-) LL> You do not understand. Not really your fault. Probably because you LL> are an old coot. As most everybody else in fidonet. Please. I am LL> not trying to insult you. Merely stating what no old coot publicly LL> wants to admit. So here is what really happened - LL> The harem was full, and it was during ramadan. So we all know what LL> every Muslim fanatic was doing - or dreaming about doing - on that LL> fafeful night. Yes, Ramanan is another reason why they were not Muslim fanatics. LL> What is a young stud who is unable to find 72 virgins at a music LL> concert to do? Remember, these guys are young. And they are horny LL> as hell. And fully loaded. LL> At least they did not take hostages, as Hamas did in Gaza. Taking into account that every Jewish family in Israel has machine-guns in their homes, and they all are army reservists including women, they were lucky to stay alive. Bye, Lee! Alexander Koryagin fido.fidonews, 2024 --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0 * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130) .