Subj : Re: 40 years, and counting! To : Alejandro Filimonchuk From : Ward Dossche Date : Mon Apr 22 2024 07:48 am Alejandro, AF> Yeah, of course you are right... but anyways, here we are, inviting AF> people, telling them about fidonet ("first social network" ;)... there AF> are a lot of people interested in at least know a little bit about that AF> cool and decentralized thing called "fido"... I swear Fidonet was bigger at a time than the internet and was even compared to it. We had an extensive school spin-off whose history is recorded nowhere ... connected computers at school? It was Fidonet ... I learned a load of massive cool stuff behind the keyboard of my PC ... made friends, lost friends, wrote obituaries for people whom I never met but made an impact on my life ... A true social network (although the bit-crunchers will deny it), not just something where people will lurk from behind the anonimity of a keyboard ... with a few exceptions... It's not about 15 second dance-move videos. \%/@rd BTW, Z4 badly needs to work on its zone-status ... the nodelist-segment is way overdue ... ZC-activity and presence is way overdue. The RCs need to act and the nodes need to push the RCs to do so... There's a job to be done, and when that job gets done, Fidonet stays alive ! --- DB4 - 20230201 * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854) .