Subj : 40 years, and counting! To : Michiel van der Vlist From : Lee Lofaso Date : Sat Apr 27 2024 03:05 am Hello Michiel, WD>> Poverty WD>> Hunger WD>> Human Rights WD>> War WD>> Overpopulation MvdV> I think you got that in the wrong order. People have to eat. Nothing else really matters when it comes to survival. Especially when that survival is your own. MvdV> IMNSHO "Overpopulation" should be at the top as most (but not all) of the MvdV> other problem would be reduced or disappear if there were not far too many MvdV> of us on this planet. Now you are just being silly. There is no such thing as "overpopulation" of this planet. We have plenty of room for billions more of us. Far too many to even count. Just do the math, and figure it out for yourself. The total world population is 8 billion souls. Scattered about on all continents, as well as islands. If you think that is a lot of people, think again. The total population of Macau is 713,082 people. That is 56,136 people per square mile. Plenty of room for everybody to get around and do whatever they want to do. Monaco is similar, both in terms of population and of area. The Netherlands is a bit larger than Macau, but not by a whole lot. And (aside from Geert Wilders) nobody else seems to be complaining about the lack of space. You can fit the entire world population (8 billion people) inside of the state of Texas and have plenty of room to spare. That is say, less than 30,000 people per square mile. Inside of one state (Texas) in the USA. Your concerns about overpopulation are unfounded and without merit. They simply do not pass the sniff test. And yet, folks continue to believe in the myth created by Malthus. And then there is the fertility rate. France has the highest fertility rate, at 1.9, in Europe. That is below the fertility rate needed to sustain a population. The Netherlands has an even more dismal rate. Some countries, such as Japan and South Korea, cannot last much longer as the number of old folks continues to rise and the number of women of childbearing age continues to decline. A fertility rate of 1.25 is not healthy for any country. With no more women of childbearing age being available, you know what that means. Every country in Europe is declining in population. The only thing that is saving the USA is the number of immigrants (both documented and undocumented). The USA was able to rescue Europe in the dark days of WWII. Men were willing to do their part, and women also willing to do theirs. Today, not so much. A fertility rate of 2.1 children per woman is what is needed to sustain a population. Women in both the USA and in Europe are not up to the task. And it is worse in other places. Japan and South Korea, as well as Taiwan, and other places, will cease to exist as their populations continue to dwindle. Along with bigger countries, such as China and Russia. The real question we should be asking ourselves is not overpopuation, but rather what are we doing in order to save our own species? Procreation of the species should be our #1 goal at all times and in every country of the world. Otherwise, we will cease to exist. Talk about survival of the fittest. For Life, Lee -- The first thing a cult does is claim that everyone else is lying to you. --- MesNews/ * Origin: news:// (2:203/2) .