Subj : Underpopulation To : ALL From : Lee Lofaso Date : Sun Apr 28 2024 02:40 pm Hello Everybody, Lots of folks have misconceptions about a subject that has been talked about for decades, if not centuries. And we all know what that subject is, as it remains a subject even in today's modern world. What fools we are, and always have been. The facts, such as they are, are totally opposite what we have been told. Overpopulation. We have been told by virtually everyone around us that there are too many people in this world. And that this is the problem that is the rood of all evil. Of course, we should have understood this lie for what it was from the get-go, as the first thing God told us was for us all to "be fruitful and multiply." That was his first, and only, commandment. Back in the beginning, when s/he created us. He gave us no other rules to play by. Absolutely none. He told us all to go out there and have fun. No other rules whatsoever. So what did we do? The opposite of what God told us. And now we cannot make enough of us to keep ourselves going. WD>> Poverty WD>> Hunger WD>> Human Rights WD>> War WD>> Overpopulation MvdV> I think you got that in the wrong order. It is not the order that is wrong. But the way of thinking. MvdV> IMNSHO "Overpopulation" should be at the top as most (but not all) of the MvdV> other problem would be reduced or disappear if there were not far too many MvdV> of us on this planet. The real problem is not "Overpupulation" but rather "Underpopulation". As noted by God herself. "Be fruitful and multiply" should have been clear to all, with no explanation needed or necessary. But some folks are dense. Truly dense. There are 8 billion souls on the planet today. Do you realize how may people that is? It is a puny number, given the size of our planet. Macao has a population density of 21,674 people per square mile. Monaco has a population density of 18,079 people per square mile. Australia has a population density of 3 people per square mile. And the Falkland Islands at 0,3 people per square mile. So as you can see, there is plenty of room for us all to "be fruitfall and multiply" as per God's original purpose. In fact, we can fit all 8 billion of us inside of one country thus leaving the rest of the world free to grow stuff for our own needs and wants. And what country would be best suited for that purpose? It should be obvious to us all - UKRAINE This is the breadbasket of Europe, having plenty enough land to grow whateever crops people want, whenever they want, and as much of whatever they want to grow. So why not make UKRAINE the breadbasket of the world? Makes perfect sense to me. Eat, drink, and be merry. That is what God told us to do. It is all in the Good Book. "Be fruitful and multiply." Procreation of the species. That is what it is all about. One can fit the entire population of the world inside the country of UKRAINE and have plenty of room to spare. For 8 billion people. Inside UKRAINE. A number that can easily be doubled. Or even tripled. Plenty enough room for everyone. Including Russians. MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR. That is God's original (and only) commandment. Why don't we keep it? For Life, Lee -- Fox News Slogan - Rich people paying rich people to tell middle class people to blame poor people. --- MesNews/ * Origin: news:// (2:203/2) .