Subj : 40 years, and counting! To : Michiel van der Vlist From : Lee Lofaso Date : Thu May 02 2024 12:02 am Hello Michiel, WD>> Poverty WD>> Hunger WD>> Human Rights WD>> War WD>> Overpopulation MvdV> I think you got that in the wrong order. It all began with Adam and Eve. In the beginning, our Creator gave us one rule, and one rule only - BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY. That worked great, until a talking snake showed up in the garden. MvdV> IMNSHO "Overpopulation" should be at the top as most (but not all) of the MvdV> other problem would be reduced or disappear if there were not far too many MvdV> of us on this planet. Our Creator placed no limit on the number of offspring we should have. The rule was simple, and easily understood by Male and Female alike. And they got at it. Right away. And never stopped producing. Until that talking snake showed up and confused the living bejeezus out of her by eating forbidden fruit. And that is when all the trouble began. Like all women, Eve had to share. And then, after both had eaten of the forbidden fruit, their eyes were opened. Eve stomped on the snake with her heel, and Adam wisely stood back and watched her so he would not get bit. And then the two of them left the garden, never to return. The first thing they did outside the garden was to have kids. After all, that is what their Creator had told them to do. Abel came first, and then they welcomed Cain. Lovely kides. Always played outside, and never messed up the furniture inside their home. Abel liked to grow things, especially flowers and plants and stuff. Cain preferred riding animals, such as horses and cows. One day, the two of them decided to show their Creator how grafeful they were for allowing them to have such wonderful parents. Abel made a beautuful bouquet which was really a sight to behold. And Cain had butchered his best steer, preparing steaks to munch on. The Creator showed up, and thanked Cain for his wonderful gift. And then he asked about the other gift, prepared by Abel. Well, seems that Abel had run away and was nowhere to be found. Cain looked up at the Creator, and tried to explain - "I am not my brother's keeper!" What happened next is beyond belief, but really happened - The Creator got mad. Really mad that Abel had run away. So the Creator did what any other Creator would have done. He marked Cain and sent him away. Far away. So far away as to never be found again. This left Adam and Eve devastated. Having one son run away from home was bad enough, but losing the other one as well was just too much. So what did they do? What any loving parents would have done. Another roll in the hay, which brought them Seth. So, you see how that works. It is a cycle. A never-ending cycle. The first human family was given one rule. Any more than that would have been far too much to understand. It all starts with making love, not war. But we all have yet to learn that one simple rule. For Life, Lee -- Biden 2024 - Finisth The Job --- MesNews/ * Origin: news:// (2:203/2) .