Subj : Math Test To : Björn Felten From : Nicholas Boel Date : Sat Jun 29 2024 07:46 am On Sat, 29 Jun 2024 07:17:18 +0200, Bj�rn Felten -> Nicholas Boel wrote: BF> Really? Why would I write minus signs on separate lines? BF> Surely you understand that in those RUDIMENTARY pictures, it was BF> supposed to be lines. For FTN reasons, I can't use three minus signs. This doesn't answer my question, if my guesses were even correct. BF> So, maybe now you can answer my question: How do you write the two BF> different expressions in your keyboard one-line notation? Exactly how they are written in your top/down methodology, just on one line :) 1) 7 - 7 / 7 = 6 2) 7 / 7 - 7 = -6 Still no parenthesis needed. Knowing the order of operations, one knows to do division before subtraction. However, if #1 was written like this, it would have a different result because parenthesis goes before division, which I'm sure you understand - being an old school mathematician and all: (7 - 7) / 7 = 0 Whether it be PEMDAS, BEDMAS, BOMDAS, whatever abbreviation Michiel used, and whatever else is out there, they're all just acronyms for the "order of operations", which never changes. From what I've noticed, some countries call parenthesis brackets (I don't know why), where we call "[]" brackets. So the acronym changes to fit whatever country and however they learned the order of operations. Either way, the actual "order of operations" stays the same. Maybe the world shouldn't have made up different acronyms for it - as that obviously led to a lot of confusion, but there's nothing we can do about the past, except to try to stay on the right track in the future. Regards, Nick .... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway. --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:115.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderb * Origin: _thePharcyde distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10) .