Subj : Math Test To : Ward Dossche From : Bj”rn Felten Date : Sun Jun 30 2024 11:49 pm Ward Dossche -> Not To Anyone Specific And yet you quoted me. :) But yes, I confess. I violated my own policy. I should have taken this to netmail a long time ago. I thank you for doing what I always ask of every participant of echoes that I "moderate". It's just that I was taken by surprise to see that someone could actually confuse a fraction symbol - the horizontal line - with a minus operator. I'll probably write an article on it. At the moment, I am recovering from a stroke (no, nothing serious, just a wee bit of speech impediment), so maybe in next week's issue. -- Conning people is easy. You just need to overcome their intelligence. But convincing people they've been conned is much harder. You need to overcome their pride. ... --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20091121 * Origin: news:// (2:203/2) .