Subj : move from Hudson to JAM To : Carlos Navarro From : Paul Quinn Date : Mon Sep 13 2021 09:02 am Hi! Carlos, On 12 Sep 21 22:00, you wrote to me: CN> I'll explain. My tosser (Fmail) stores dupes and bad messages in CN> Hudson areas. I'd like to move those messages to JAM areas (or to CN> *.MSG, or whatever), to avoid issues if the HMB grows too much. I know. I suffered FMail for three years. Now I play with Mystic (emphasis on 'play'). Ask Wilfred for recommendations. I had a script that did a "ftools maint -h -d -n -o -p" on demand (i.e. 'panic button' icon). It had to be used at least three times, otherwise the maint was scheduled with other like tasks... once a week. CN> Thank you for your suggestions. I don't know if NetMgr, RnTrack or CN> others can be used for this, but will check... RnTrack is mentioned in Fidonews. Bon chance! (I'm exhausting my foreign language repertoire.) Cheers, Paul. .... "Too much of a good thing is wonderful", Mae West. --- GoldED+/LNX * Origin: Paul's other Linux ghizmo - a little more mobile (3:640/1384.125) .