Subj : Re: test To : Charles Pierson From : Jay Harris Date : Wed Dec 30 2020 06:38 pm On 30 Dec 2020, Charles Pierson said the following... CP> Crap. Is it possible that I need to use a different port for that CP> address? CP> is strictly ipv4 and seems to work fine. My home router has two places for allowing traffic in. "Port Forwarding" for IPv4 and "Port Opening" for IPv6. I use the same ports for each and it works ok, not sure if your router is different. Not sure if you have a GUI on your Pi or not. If you don't, you can: wget -q -O - To make sure you can get out on IPv6 and it'll tell you its public address (and make sure your router isn't NAT'ing IPv6, which isn't common but possible). If that matches your AAAA record, you know that's correct. Just need to fiddle with port forwarding/opening on your router to make sure that it's reaching your Pi. You can visit to test if it's accessible to the outside. Jay --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2020/11/23 (Raspberry Pi/32) * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664) .