Subj : innovations back in the day To : August Abolins From : Charles Pierson Date : Thu Jan 14 2021 11:31 am On 14 Jan 2021, August Abolins said the following... AA> CP> I'm pretty sure that it would be possible. The question is AA> CP> are there enough BBSes around the utilize RIP to make it AA> CP> worth the time and effort? AA> AA> The number of bbses does not matter at this time. What matters AA> is if the concept can even be implemented. Maybe some existing AA> concepts of Rip technology can be utilized and make the AA> necessary adjustments for smartphone/tablet detection. AA> Building a traditional app from scratch for smartphone/tablet AA> devices that serves bbs functions sounds like too much work. AA> Utilizing existing open-source such as what Telegram provides AA> (where people are encouraged to provide customized clients) is AA> the closest one can get to "get something done". AA> That's the trick. You don't have to build a traditional app from scratch. I haven't looked into RIP much, simply because I haven't seen much mentio of it. But if the source code for it is open source, that code can be used in the Android app. The only new coding would be cosmetic and perhaps any mouse functions to touchscreen, for example. I would think most of the rest of new code would be a matter of adjusting what accesses the X86 hardware to the comperable armf hardware. I'm by no means an expert on the subject. But from what I'm picking up, I believe that if a program works on a Raspberry Pi, it should work on an Andoid device. If my programming ability was better, I'd start compiling apks with available source codes for various BBS related programs just to see how they work as is. I'm silly like that. AA> But maybe Rip can provide the direct connections to specific AA> bbses that this hobby seems to be grounded on. That's an option. A specialized app to connect to a specific BBS. For a new person to BBSing, it'd probably be a fair introduction. AA> CP> Theoretically, anything that can be done on a desktop or AA> CP> laptop could be be done on a smartphone or Tablet. You AA> CP> just have to account for the difference in hardware. AA> AA> When I first experienced Rip sessions, it seemed unlike anything AA> else out there at the time. The typical scrolling screens of AA> most computer interfaces were tedious. AA> -- Scrolling screens only bothered me when a BBS had multiple pages of ANSI artwork on their log in that you couldn't bypass. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Raspberry Pi/32) * Origin: .