Subj : pc in the cloud? To : Alan Ianson From : Benny Pedersen Date : Wed Feb 17 2021 11:25 pm Hello Alan! 13 Jan 2021 11:49, Alan Ianson wrote to August Abolins: AA>> It's the first time I hear of linode. Had to look it up AA>> ( So, it's a kinda your own linux-based pc operating AA>> in the cloud? vps AI> I don't actually have that linode anymore but it was a good AI> experiment. +1 AI> I found at times it was sluggish to repond. what plan did you use ? AI> I think but am not certain AI> that was because a close by linode was using all the cpu resources playing dos games ? AI> doing ???, whatever it was it was doing. you had root access, so you dont know ? AI> Then it would clear up and I AI> could happily continue on my way. +1 AI> I may try something like that again some time. super, i would be in need to make husky ebuilds from github soon, current is the read only cvs :/ Regards Benny .... too late to die young :) --- Msged/LNX 6.1.2 (Linux/5.11.0-gentoo-x86_64 (x86_64)) * Origin: I will always keep a PC running CPM 3.0 (2:230/0) .