Subj : pc in the cloud? To : Benny Pedersen From : Alan Ianson Date : Wed Feb 17 2021 10:06 pm Re: pc in the cloud? By: Benny Pedersen to Alan Ianson on Wed Feb 17 2021 11:25 pm AI>> I found at times it was sluggish to repond. BP> what plan did you use ? It was the basic plan at the time. If I remember 1 CPU (virtual, I think) and 1Gb ram. That was enough to run binkd, husky and the BBS. It was $5 /month. There are other plans with more cpu, ram and file space but I never tried them. AI>> I think but am not certain AI>> that was because a close by linode was using all the cpu resources BP> playing dos games ? I couldn't even guess. AI>> doing ???, whatever it was it was doing. BP> you had root access, so you dont know ? No, I don't know. The session froze. I could not type anything at the console for some time 30 secs to 90 secs so I couldn't run top or anything until it resumed. Once it resumed it worked fine, looking at top there was nothing out of the ordinary going on. It didn't happen often but from time to time it would do that. BP> super, i would be in need to make husky ebuilds from github soon, current BP> is the read only cvs :/ Yes, I think a change to github would be a good thing in that case. :) Ttyl :-), Al .... IBM: It may be slow, but at least it's expensive. --- SBBSecho 3.12-Linux * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2) .