Subj : Re: Changes in the work of tg_BBS: To : Brother Rabbit From : Jay Harris Date : Wed Apr 14 2021 12:01 pm *** Quoting Brother Rabbit from a message to August Abolins *** BR> Do you think that the current warning when connecting a user and a BR> %HELP is not enough? For me anyway, the phrasing of "register with the BBS" was kind of confusing. I wasn't sure if I had to telnet in somewhere and make an account on a BBS, maybe making that "register with the bot" may be more suitable? Could just be me though... Jay .... Ambition is the last refuge of the failure. --- Telegard v3.09.g2-sp4/mL * Origin: Northern Realms | 289-424-5180 | (1:229/664) .