Subj : Re: just checking from veleno bbs To : Brother Rabbit From : Wilfred van Velzen Date : Thu May 13 2021 11:22 pm Hi Brother, On 2021-05-13 23:29:26, you wrote to August Abolins: BR> Is the're any body here? ;) BR> SEEN-BY: 124/5016 203/0 221/0 6 280/464 5003 288/100 292/854 8125 BR> 301/1 BR> SEEN-BY: 310/31 423/120 460/16 58 256 777 1124 5858 467/888 712/848 BR> SEEN-BY: 5054/30 There are plenty in the seenby's... Bye, Wilfred. --- FMail-lnx64 * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464) .