Subj : Internet transit alternatives To : All From : Kostie Muirhead Date : Sat May 15 2021 05:14 pm Howdy all! Here's a converstation starter for you: What technologies do you either know about, or can conceive of developing so as to create data links between nodes without relying on internet transit? Ham packet radio is obviously one potential option, but has the hamstring that it requires a special license so is unlikely to be as accessible by the general tinkerer community. I've been looking at the potential to setup LoRa based (NOT LoRaWan) connections and think that the combination of low cost, long range, and licence free access has great potential. Speeds at realistic distances are fairly comporable to dialup. === Underminer - The Undermine BBS --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: The Undermine - (1:134/101) .