Subj : Re: Internet transit alte To : Brian Rogers From : Tony Langdon Date : Wed May 19 2021 09:19 am -=> On 05-17-21 08:06, Brian Rogers wrote to Tony Langdon <=- -=> Tony Langdon wrote to Brian Rogers <=- TL> Depends on what part of the world you're in. In Australia, packet over TL> CB and Radio over IP for CB are explicitly banned under the current CB TL> class licence. :( BR> True that. Every country has it's own rules and regs. Yep, my point was don't assume. ;) BR> Don't get me going on Winlink Haha, well it works, but has been controversial over the years. :) .... Avoid off topic messages. Start conversations with the Moderator! --- MultiMail/Win v0.52 .