Subj : Re: Internet transit alte To : Tony Langdon From : Brian Rogers Date : Wed May 19 2021 08:46 pm Hey Tony; -=> Tony Langdon wrote to Brian Rogers <=- TL> Yeah, I have read that. Unfortunately, legally, it's dead as a dodo TL> here. Can't even get on the CB eQSO network (can't recall the name of TL> it). :/ I don't think there's any restrictions here in the states, if there isn't then it's just not that popular at all. TL> Yeah, I've run SMTP on KA9Q. I'd have thought the protocol would be a TL> little more cut down on the RF side (to save some bits), but the same TL> basic principle. SMTP via RF in general is pretty simlar. Postfix, KA9Q, Sendmail, it's all pretty similar, and is transport agnostic. Once the initial handshaking is done it pretty much sails through fine. TL> That's true, though here in Oz, signs at the farm gate saying "horse TL> poo" still get sales. ;) Now you're just horsing around? :) .... When you want to test the depths of a stream, don't use both feet. - Chinese --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52 * Origin: SBBS - Carnage! (1:142/103) .