Subj : Re: ? The various message To : Brian Rogers From : Tony Langdon Date : Fri May 21 2021 08:33 am -=> On 05-20-21 07:01, Brian Rogers wrote to Tony Langdon <=- BR> Our FCC is trying to mandate *all* ham systems now be open source. BR> Many are upset about this, but for what I see there's no issues with BR> ham programming being open source. How else can others improve upon BR> something? Hmm, I see that being a potential can of worms, like your mandated band segments and symbol rate limits, which are a PITA for the rest of the world. If I had a dollar for everytime some US ham says "You can't do that, it's against the rules". Well, I can, our rules are different. ;) But I do like the principle of having ham systems open, especially the air interface. BR> For DECADES all we had was analog and no one griped or complained. We BR> all have mouths and used them to ID, in fact here we must every 10 We didn't have the extent of networked systems that we do today. ;) I for one don't want to have to rely only on HF CW. HF propagation is too flakey from here to the rest of the world, especially in recent wimpy sunspot cycles. :( BR> minutes. As for packet that's another ball of wax. Most BR> packages/firmwares have back doors in which they can do an entire QSO BR> with a bogus ID/Callsign. Bottom line: no one really cares. True. :) TL> Pop, yes, though it lacks the folder structure. IMAP defaults to TL> online operation, but can work offline, but one kinda has to beat it TL> into sumbission for best offline experience. ;) BR> I don't really need folder structure for 100% personal email :) BR> Actually I can't stand imap for just that reason. I use it on some BR> systems only because that's what I'm forced to use, but I never put a BR> darn file or message in any "folder". I'm old-school NOS, I have one BR> file that contains my mail Well, echomail is like folders. I have a bunch of mailing lists, and sorting those into folders helps, just like echomail. :) R> ... Vuja De: the feeling that nothing like this has ever happened Haha. :D .... I have PMS and a loaded gun, now, what did you say?!?! --- MultiMail/Win v0.52 .