Subj : Re: Internet transit alte To : Brian Rogers From : Tony Langdon Date : Fri May 21 2021 08:35 am -=> On 05-20-21 07:09, Brian Rogers wrote to Tony Langdon <=- -=> Tony Langdon wrote to Brian Rogers <=- TL> I think FRS radios are used for this purpose in the US, being FM. BR> I don't think so for our CB freqs. TL> As I said, similar in concept, would like to see the details. BR> The biggest issues I see are the initial handshaking no matter which BR> service you're looking to use as that's when all the data between each BR> point is shared such as MTU! The rule of thumb to prevent fragmenting BR> frames is that the lower MTU wins... however that's not always how it BR> seems to go. Once all that is established, the rest falls into place BR> fairly quickly. This is why 9600 is the preferred speed, but that's not BR> to say 1200 doesn't fly. I've even seen 300 baud on HF work to do SMTP BR> mail with axMail :) Cool. Yeah I've been around VoIP too long, where packets are tiny and overheads are big as a result, and you pretty much can't go below around 20kbps on the wire, because of the overheads, even if the payload is only 2400bps. :) BR> ... WINDows open: Jump? [Y/y/y] Haha. :D .... A pill a day keeps the stork away. --- MultiMail/Win v0.52 .