Subj : Internet transit alternatives To : Kurt Weiske From : August Abolins Date : Fri May 21 2021 06:25 pm Hello Kurt Weiske! ** On Friday 21.05.21 - 07:05, Kurt Weiske wrote to Deepend: >> What's a "phone line"? Some extinct species, I'm led to believe... De>> Let's not be hating on the good ol' copper lines lol. KW> Imagine if we had the old POTS lines combined with KW> nationwide free calling, like most cell phone plans have KW> nowadays. The dial-up era was designed around prohibitive KW> toll charges. Around the time when I was operating a 2-line BBS in late 90's to 2003, the phone companies already had LD plans that offered nation-wide unlimited or limited calls for a fixed $20/mo or so. I had once such $20 plan for 500 minutes/mo or something like that. It worked well for moving mail to two LD hubs for a couple of nets and for making crash calls to a few LD relatives that I set up as points. KW> Although, the local bbs.scene grew because of it, and KW> people called local boards that could have gettogethers in KW> meatspace. Yes.. the local aspect was a particular characeristic of calling local boards (and the potential to meet the people you were conversing with) back then. -- ../|ug --- OpenXP 5.0.49 * Origin: FUTURE4FIDO = (2:221/1.58) .