Subj : Re: ? The various message To : Brian Rogers From : Tony Langdon Date : Sat May 22 2021 08:46 pm -=> On 05-20-21 23:53, Brian Rogers wrote to Tony Langdon <=- -=> Tony Langdon wrote to Brian Rogers <=- TL> Hmm, I see that being a potential can of worms, like your mandated band TL> segments and symbol rate limits, which are a PITA for the rest of the TL> world. If I had a dollar for everytime some US ham says "You can't do TL> that, it's against the rules". Well, I can, our rules are different. TL> ;) BR> Just where are you going to cash in? xD Yeah now all I need are those dollars :D TL> But I do like the principle of having ham systems open, especially the TL> air interface. BR> That's not happening here. The systems are all closed source. Only BR> decent things we have are already open source. Actually, there's M17, in early stages of development. D-STAR's air interface is open spec, though at one stage you needed to be able to read Japanese to get the full specs. Not sure if it's all been translated yet. Only part not open is the audio codec, and that was a case of necessity, back in the day. Had D-STAR been designed today, there's a chance Codec2 might have been chosen instead. BR> HF is what our government pushes. They want hams off VHF/UHF for ecomm BR> so the commercial guys can take over. TL> Pop, yes, though it lacks the folder structure. IMAP defaults to TL> online operation, but can work offline, but one kinda has to beat it TL> into sumbission for best offline experience. ;) BR> Whip it, beat it, tell it that you care Haha. :D TL> Well, echomail is like folders. I have a bunch of mailing lists, and TL> sorting those into folders helps, just like echomail. :) BR> Echomail and personal Email are two totally different things though. My folders are mostly for mailing lists, which ARE used for the same purpose as echomail. :) TL> ... I have PMS and a loaded gun, now, what did you say?!?! BR> Does your YL know this? I love assumptions. :P .... Have you ever asked a question you weren't supposed to ask? --- MultiMail/Win v0.52 .