Subj : Re: Voip To : Brian Rogers From : Tony Langdon Date : Sat May 22 2021 08:49 pm -=> On 05-21-21 00:07, Brian Rogers wrote to Tony Langdon <=- -=> Tony Langdon wrote to Brian Rogers <=- TL> Cool. Yeah I've been around VoIP too long, where packets are tiny and TL> overheads are big as a result, and you pretty much can't go below TL> around 20kbps on the wire, because of the overheads, even if the TL> payload is only 2400bps. :) BR> I wish VoIP used TCP like IAX instead of UDP/Sip :\ So a dropped packet would cause it to get stuck, until it was replaced? ;) IAX is 4569/UDP (or I've been doing port forwarding wrong for years ;) ). One of the reasons VoIP uses such small packets, is latency. :) .... Keep your stick on the ice --- MultiMail/Win v0.52 .