Subj : Re: ? The various message To : Tony Langdon From : Brian Rogers Date : Sun May 23 2021 09:02 am Hey Tony; -=> Tony Langdon wrote to Brian Rogers <=- TL> Resource access is a kinda different thing. That's part of why in the packet world, most guys don't even bother with setting up radios, they just go axudp. No tests needed either. TL> Open spec means there's an opportunity for someone to create the (open TL> source) code, and some have - ircDDBGateway, etc, for example. :) And TL> open spec in that it's the specs that are laid out, not just someone's TL> code. ;) Not in all cases. I did that with the linux version of Winlink RMS. That began a very intense and nasty relationship. TL> Bytes? as if anyone cares in this days of multi terabyte drives. ;) I like smaller drives, they back up a LOT quicker. If I had hot-swap raid that'd be another story. .... AD&D Famous Last Words: Am I seeing things or is that a dragon? --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52 * Origin: SBBS - Carnage! (1:142/103) .