Subj : Re: Network Monitoring To : Wilfred van Velzen From : Brian Rogers Date : Wed May 26 2021 12:22 pm Hello Wilfred; -=> Wilfred van Velzen wrote to Brian Rogers <=- WvV> If you are only interested in echomail links, you could use messages in WvV> pkt files that have an AREA: line? I'd only be interested in who's alive and who's not... and for me personally those who are within 1:142 only. It's not up to me to police the rest of the world :) WvV> You could easily deduce that information by looking at your outbound WvV> directory. ;) That's not good enough. What if a sysop went away on business for a few weeks and shut the power off - and forgot to tell me? Whenever you do any sort of monitoring you must do your best to protect against false positives or else you're true alarms get naturally ignored. .... Ensign Crusher, here is you Mop and Bucket --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52 * Origin: SBBS - Carnage! (1:142/103) .