Subj : Re: Network Monitoring To : Brian Rogers From : John Dovey Date : Wed May 26 2021 07:55 pm Glad to see you, Brian! BR> Hello Wilfred; BR> BR> -=> Wilfred van Velzen wrote to Brian Rogers <=- BR> WvV>> If you are only interested in echomail links, you could use messages in WvV>> pkt files that have an AREA: line? BR> BR> I'd only be interested in who's alive and who's not... and for me personally BR> those who are within 1:142 only. It's not up to me to police the rest of the BR> world :) BR> WvV>> You could easily deduce that information by looking at your outbound WvV>> directory. ;) BR> BR> That's not good enough. What if a sysop went away on business for a few BR> weeks and shut the power off - and forgot to tell me? Whenever you do any BR> sort of monitoring you must do your best to protect against false positives BR> or else you're true alarms get naturally ignored. BR> BR> BR> BR> ... Ensign Crusher, here is you Mop and Bucket Something like this for the Zone Hubs, then for the RC within a zone maybe? *** [Netmail-to-Telegram address: 474405162@2:460/256] .... Tag, you are IT! --- tg BBS v0.6.4 * Origin: Fido by Telegram BBS from Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/256) .