Subj : echomail status and interconnectivity To : All From : August Abolins Date : Wed May 26 2021 09:35 pm [ [ PART 1 of a message that describes a design for the echomail [ status and interconnectivity that I was talking about. [ ================================================================== The goal is to provide the active status and details of echos that a user may find of interest, relatable and relevant. ================================================================== ======================================================== Let's say the landing page provides something like this: ======================================================== FIDONET Echomail Activity Last 7 days Sorted by most active msg# Echotag % ==== ======= 481 POLITICS 16.25% 318 WEATHER 10.74% 164 RECIPES 5.54% 159 HOME_COOKING 5.37% 112 COOKING 3.78% 93 BBS_ADS 3.14% 71 BBS_PROMOTION 2.40% 63 NHL 2.13% 53 FUTURE4FIDO 1.79% 40 BINKD 1.35% 36 SYNC_SYSOPS 1.22% 32 SYNCHRONET 1.08% 32 SHAREWARE_SUPPORT 1.08% 27 FUNNY 0.91% 19 FIDOSOFT.HUSKY 0.64% 17 Z1C 0.57% 16 ESSNASA 0.54% 15 OTHERNETS 0.51% 13 TAGLINES 0.44% 9 FIDONEWS 0.30% 7 LITRPG 0.24% ==================================================================== Then.. upon clicking one of the echotags, eg. [POLITICS] the outcome would be this which lists all the systems/BBSes that carry it. ==================================================================== [POLITICS] 19/36 BBS LinuxNode, Lindale TX 80/1 BBS Mastodont BBS, Puerto Montt 106/201 BBS Home of InterMail, Houston TX 116/18 BBS Neptune's Lair, Olive Branch MS 135/392 BBS Doc's Place BBS Online, Clearwater 153/7715 BBS BandMaster Internet, Vancouver BC 154/10 BBS The Pharcyde HUB, Pewaukee WI 218/700 BBS realitycheckBBS, Aptos CA 221/1 BBS RBB, Ylojarvi 6 BBS KCO, Ylojarvi 242 BBS New Detroit, Vallentuna 360 BBS RBB, Ylojarvi 222/2 BBS BCG-Box, Turku 229/426 BBS Darkrealms, Toronto ON 230/150 BBS The KOFO BBS, Broendby DK 152 BBS The Kofo System II BBS, Broendby DK 240/1120 BBS, Bad Ueberkingen 250/1 BBS Air Applewood, Hatfield Hertfordshire 261/38 BBS <