Subj : Internet transit alternatives To : August Abolins From : Kostie Muirhead Date : Tue Jun 01 2021 06:31 am Re: Internet transit alternatives By: August Abolins to Kostie Muirhead on Sun May 16 2021 02:12 pm AA> Now you've done it. This started me into a rabbit hole of LoRa AA> vs LoRaWAN, TTN, etc.. Haha, yup. It is a rabbit hole, and most material you'll find is very much geared towards IOT implementations without much base level information made available for easy digestion. AA> When you say "NOT LoRaWan" are you referring to the entities AA> that have commercialized it? No, LoRaWan refers to using a gateway to pass information from/to nodes and a network attached service. It's highly reliant on the presence of an IP network and is really meant to allow for remote sensors/switches to interact with a centralized server. LoRa itself refers to the equipment and modulation and can be used directly for peer to peer links in a manner very analogous to the acoustic modems of the past, or TNCs in the Ham Packet sphere. While I can see some potential use cases for LoRaWan implementations to be used in the hobby: 1) Providing peer to peer access to local services NOT just available on the internet is more likely to attract the tinker/electronic hobbyist crowd. IMHO at least. 2) Relying on the internet is not a good way to seed services that are meant to be an alternative to aspects of it (once again, imho). === Underminer - The Undermine BBS --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: The Undermine - (1:134/101) .