Subj : Internet transit alternatives To : Kostie Muirhead From : Deon George Date : Sat Jun 05 2021 10:59 am Re: Internet transit alternatives By: Kostie Muirhead to August Abolins on Tue Jun 01 2021 06:31 am Howdy, KM> LoRa itself refers to the equipment and modulation and can be used directly for peer to peer links in a manner very analogous to the KM> acoustic modems of the past, or TNCs in the Ham Packet sphere. KM> While I can see some potential use cases for LoRaWan implementations to be used in the hobby: KM> 1) Providing peer to peer access to local services NOT just KM> available on the internet is more likely to attract the tinker/electronic hobbyist crowd. IMHO at least. I've been trying to read up on alternative (to the internet) methods of connecting BBSes together - and was wondering if LoRa could be used. Everything I've been reading hints at IOT devices, which I am assuming means low (status like) traffic. Could LoRa be used to transmit mail packets between peers? I think the range can be around 20klm - can it? I know nothing about this technology, so I'm curious... ....лоеп .... Don't hit me, Mr. Moderator! I'll go back on topic, I swear! --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (3:633/509) .