Subj : Internet transit alternatives To : Deon George From : Kostie Muirhead Date : Sat Jun 05 2021 09:28 am Re: Internet transit alternatives By: Deon George to Kostie Muirhead on Sat Jun 05 2021 10:59 am DG> I've been trying to read up on alternative (to the internet) methods of DG> connecting BBSes together - and was wondering if LoRa could be used. Yeah, there seem to be a few of us with similar curiosities and ambitions that way. That shows some promise for adoption and hobbyist attraction :) DG> Everything I've been reading hints at IOT devices, which I am assuming DG> means low (status like) traffic. DG> Could LoRa be used to transmit mail packets between peers? The really easily accessible LoRa information, and all the off the shelf modules are geared and directed towards IOT use. And you get far better range and connection reliability at lower link rates. Given that dialup speeds are typical, people tend to write it off for more than signalling use. I have found a couple projects that use peer to peer for exchanging data like sms messages and email. There's no reason it couldn't transfer mail packets, and that's one of the use cases I want to explore. I'd like to have a terminal node via LoRa as well, but even if it ends up having to be more of a mailserver/nntp server type link it could be a huge win I think. DG> I think the range can be around 20klm - can it? DG> I know nothing about this technology, so I'm curious... That's dependent on several factors, but a low data rate link with good antennas with line of site in a rural environment should be able to hit those sorts of distances. From what I've read of experiences of people setting up longer links, 1-10 KM at dialup data rates is fairly achievable in an urban environment. I'm still largely in the research stage, but have a box of tranceivers coming to start playing with. They've just been in customs processing limbo, which can take a while when dealing with the speed demons in Canadian customs... As soon as I have them in hand I'll be able to experiment more directly and report. === Underminer - The Undermine BBS --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: The Undermine - (1:134/101) .