Subj : --*Subj:* Routing-- To : All From : Brother Rabbit Date : Mon Jun 28 2021 08:05 pm Hi, All! --*Subj:* Routing-- Speaking of routing management ... Node 2:460/58 has had such an opportunity for a very long time. It is enough to write %RouteTo: address address2 in the body of the letter from the beginning of the line. address - to which node change the routing of the message. This MUST be one of the password / trusted links, a list of which can be obtained from Ping@2: 460/58. address2 - which node should to change message routing, optional parameter. Default is 2:460/58/ ;) Have a nice carrot! Brother Rabbit. .... A good companion not only listens attentively, but pours the drink on time --- Use "%UserProfile %Tearline text" to customize tearline. * Origin: Fido by Telegram BBS from Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/256) .