Subj : Stas Mishchenkov 2:460/5858.. To : Stas Mishchenkov From : August Abolins Date : Sat Oct 16 2021 08:27 pm Hi Stas, ...Greets from my Telegram app! SM> *** Ответ на сообщение из _Carbon.Mail (Carbon.Mail). SM> Hi, August! SM> 16 окт 21 17:59, August Abolins -> Stas Mishchenkov: SM> Which messages exactly did not make it to Fido? This way I won't have to read all the messages from a few days and it will be much easier to figure it out. SM> Have nice nights. SM> Stas Mishchenkov. It looks like the posts to CHAT and LITRPG are all caught up now, Thx. Ciao! /|ug ( .... Searchable Help for OXP --- Want fido for iOS/MacOS/Android/Win/Linux? Info= * Origin: Fido by Telegram BBS from Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/256) .