Subj : Re: Looks like a rescan/re-export? To : Alan Ianson From : Wilfred van Velzen Date : Thu Oct 28 2021 10:26 pm Hi Alan, On 2021-10-28 11:55:43, you wrote to me: AI>>> Last test. If I comment out EDITREPLYRE or set it to no I get AI>>> that messed up subject when it starts with "Re:". AI>>> If I set EDITREPLYRE Yes in my config then it works OK. I prefer AI>>> not to add the Re: but I guess I'll leave it like this. WV>> This is a reply with EDITREPLYRE set to No... The subject isn't WV>> mangled. AI> Something must be different in the OSs. Could be... AI> If I set EDITREPLRE No, I get mangled subject lines that start with AI> "Re:". Not always but much of the time. (I did only 1 test message that way) AI> If I set it to No then it seems to work OK though subject lines for AI> replies will always start with "Re:". .... Whick I prefer. ;) AI> I'm thinking but not sure it's special characters like : or / that AI> cause it to stumble. You could experiment with a ':' in the first characters of the subject line. AI> My OS is slackware64 15.0. I'm on openSUSE Leap 42.1 (x86_64). Bye, Wilfred. --- FMail-lnx64 * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464) .