Subj : Moderators role To : Wilfred van Velzen From : mark lewis Date : Mon Jan 03 2022 09:47 am On 2022 Jan 03 14:10:16, you wrote to Alejandro Filimonchuk: WV> Maybe if you (or anyone else) see an area that is currently more or less WV> empty but are interested in promoting, you should ask the current moderator WV> if you could take over the area? or just start posting in the area and make it more active... i mean, i'm not going to bust my arse trying to find stuff to post just to get someone else to start talking... if ""you"" have something to say (within reason and within the echo's rules), say it ;) here's an example... i've noticed an increase in traffic in one of my echos... the traffic was on topic and worthy of posting... after some time, i contacted the main poster of that traffic and offered the echo to them... now it is their echo and no longer one i need to deal with maintaining any more... )\/(ark "The soul of a small kitten in the body of a mighty dragon. Look on my majesty, ye mighty, and despair! Or bring me catnip. Your choice. Oooh, a shiny thing!" .... Bugs are Sons of Glitches! --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .