Subj : Moderators role To : All From : Alejandro Filimonchuk Date : Mon Jan 03 2022 12:03 pm Ok, ok... nice answers, people. Yeah, of course I try to participe as much as I can. Im just talking about the moderators role and how its somehow changing (if we compare it with "the past" ;) Heres some "oath": This 2022 Im gonna apply for at least two echoes that are someway inactive. I still think that moderators could do more, and of course Im not pointing my finger to anybody! Its just an idea, and we need to preach with good deeds and examples, so I really need to apply for moderation if I want you guys to take my words seriously :) At the end of the day, its a hobbie, and it would be funny if we tried diffrent things or "strategies" and later on check if they worked or not. Thanks for this debate, guys! |05// and clean board// |03--._._.-_.-Epimundo in Text Mode HQ!-._-._._.-- --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/05/26 (Windows/64) * Origin: The Vault BBS (4:900/102) .