Subj : Re: Fidonet Policy Document To : Owen Evers From : Ward Dossche Date : Sat Feb 05 2022 10:36 am OE>WD> The current one ... this is your entry ... OE>WD> Down,9,Paranormal_Panorama_BBS,Hull_E._Yorkshire,Owen_Evers,-Unpubli OE> shed-, OE> So it is listed!!!! OE> and down as I have some things that have priority over a hobby to sort OE> out first. As I told Stas .... ",Down" ... a rose by any other name still is a rose ... unreachable ... unlisted ... unavailable ... inexistant ... take your pick .... If it were an available node. even in its down-status, you would not need to access Fido via a BBS in Z3. Even your NC/RC is unable to reach you ... which is why you are ",Down". OE> it is not continuously ... (extra 'U') ... down. If you want to become a member/participant in this community then pls be aware that ever since the one whose name we are not supposed to mention, expired in the most literal sense of the word, we kinda stopped bothering with correcting typos and likewise writing-errors because you are at risk of running into the first Law of Dossche on internet communications ... #1 "When correcting the spelling of someone's writings in an internet forum, the probability of introducing a new error approaches 1" OE> My system is not unreachable by who i let connect, and only marked as... See? There you are already ... OE> I asked for HOLD also so why try to POLL ? Your request didn't make it to your NC as he is unable to contact you, hence he slammed ",Down" on you. I never polled you, not my job but your NC's and he's confirmed so far your system is a non-event. OE> not a very nice attitude from a Zone 2 hat.. again the policy says OE> encourage membership... ? not post comments as you have. very OE> un-encouraging and now has become annoying. see the policy if you want to OE> know what that means. Buddy ... I can recite Policy by heart after all these years, please don't wave it in front of my eyes as if I'm not knowledgeable ... OE> All because i thought the policy could do with bringing upto date from OE> the 80's, and in your position should be something you also want. First follow the learning-curve, know what's there to know, then comment on the things which are worthy to be commented about ... Ask mark lewis about the history of changing P4 ... he claims he's got an archive ... OE> This discussion could have been productive if you were approachable, you OE> never even commented on what I thought was outdated, just choose to be OE> derogatory. Every once in a while we are visited by individuals just like you coming out of nowhere, thinking they know it all, spilling all their new ideas (which actually were already tabled 25 years ago) which in the end went nowhere ... OE> I hope other HATS see this and how your attitude has been. My attitude is inspired by 28 years in the driver's seat and having seen enough nonsense to know what I'm talking about. You want change? Change happens only one way and that is by doing it yourself, revising the articles, talking with people, send thousands of mails, run into brick walls put there by people just "because they can" and in the end remain empty handed. If you're ready to do it, let me know when you've reached the point of no return and I'll guarantee you IC-support. Take care, \%/@rd --- DB4 - Jan 26 2022 * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854) .