Subj : Re: Fidonet Policy Document To : Ward Dossche From : Owen Evers Date : Sun Feb 06 2022 02:38 am WD> Your request didn't make it to your NC as he is unable to contact you, WD> hence he slammed ",Down" on you. Oh yes it did, what happened after it made it there is another story. WD> Buddy ... I can recite Policy by heart after all these years, please WD> don't wave it in front of my eyes as if I'm not knowledgeable ... Its what one does with the knowledge that matters. you choose to ignore it. you don't deserve to be IC WD> out of nowhere, thinking they know it all, spilling all their new ideas WD> (which actually were already tabled 25 years ago) which in the end went WD> nowhere ... ok, I don't think I know it all, where did that come from? As your clearly unaware, its new ideas that make progress happen, and without progress there is stagnation. As you have been involved for 28 years, that explains a lot. WD> My attitude is inspired by 28 years in the driver's seat and having seen WD> enough nonsense to know what I'm talking about. what are you talking about? apart from having a go at me for no apparent reason connected to my original post. WD> yourself, revising the articles, talking with people, send thousands of WD> mails, run into brick walls put there by people just "because they can" WD> (2:292/854) Now that is a better comment, and WAS my intension. until I found out that the brick walls would be placed there by some one not open to constructive dialogue, stuck in the 80's. enjoy - while it lasts. your a relic, holding back something that was once a fine thing. .... ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/11/06 (Linux/64) * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | (3:770/100) .