Subj : Re^2: future for fido To : Nigel Reed From : Tim Schattkowsky Date : Wed Apr 06 2022 06:34 pm //Hello Nigel,// on *01.04.22* at *5:27:48* You wrote in Area *FUTURE4FIDO* to *Steve Reader* about *"Re: future for fido"*. NR> On Thu, 31 Mar 2022 14:25:34 +0100 NR> "Steve Reader" wrote: >> Hi All I would have thought that this would have been a busy echo. If >> there are any sysops intrested in discussing the future lets start an echo >> ! Steve Reader NR> There is no future. Not sure about anyone else but most of my callers are NR> other sysops or users wanting to relive the good times and call a few NR> times and then that's that. I think this is all about content. Back in the days, fido offered two types of interesting content - files - echo areas For many users I knew, files where in fact the most important thing as the BBSes where not only distributing a lot of stuff for the tech guys, but also busloads of porn and pirated software conveniently delivered to your home (that had no internet). The internet does this now for normal people and will continue to do so. Echo areas once where a valuable ressource ... connected users to experts ... or just other users to have BBQ every other week. This is gone, the echos are empty and while the Usenet is still alive, there seem to be hardly enough people to make this interesting again. I still see it as a niche ... a hobby for old tech people ... but I doubt it will every regain significant user numbers. Still, I see the echos as the relevant part of what remains and would in fact see some value in file nets as they existed in the past, also because it turns out that the internet's memmory is even worse than mine when it comes to certain files. Try to get old tech standards, source code samples or anything that was around everwhery decades ago. Many things virtually vanished. Keeping a library of them is an interesting application, but could of course done as well on a web-based system. Regards, Tim --- WinPoint 408.3 * Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:310/31.6) .