Subj : Re: future for fido To : Tim Schattkowsky From : Ulrich Schroeter Date : Sat Apr 09 2022 03:24 pm moin Tim, 09 Apr 22 10:55, from Martin Foster -> Tim Schattkowsky, in URL area://FUTURE4FIDO?msgid=2:310/31.3@fidonet+fb436e8c: MF> Perhaps folks might like to comment on your suggestion which you MF> posted recently in FTSC_PUBLIC ..... MF> *** Thursday 10.02.22 at 14:42, Tim Schattkowsky wrote to All: TS>> Hello All, TS>> when using Fido today I regularly hit the wall when I notice that TS>> I would like to *attach at least a picture* to illustrate TS>> something. Also, people keep sendig me fido messages that refer TS>> to pictures put on their web space. This feels odd. TS>> Also, the current practice for *text styles is limited* in TS>> application and not well-defined. Still, this seems to be the TS>> minor of the two issues. TS>> I think this is really something that could/should be addressed TS>> in some way to enable relevant contemporary communication through TS>> fido. TS>> To adress this, I see _at least_ two options: TS>> 1) Do it fully email-style by using MIME with HTML text and TS>> embedded/referenced pictures. This will be a lot to implement TS>> ... TS>> non-compatible systems. one more idea ... regular message text in a text folder ... including a message into a text create a reference link within the text and put the picture into a subdirectory attachment areafolder with *.msg and areafolder\attach with *.pics or other attachments all to have to be signaled is that this echo and this message has an attachfolder the idea relates to the idea how html pages are stored to your local hard drive if you save a html pages, the local saved html page often includes a subdirectory that stores the included pictures and other stuff how the content is transfered from one system to another, there are a couple of options: maybe to combine echo- and fileecho ... or include the attachment through the echo distribution with addtl packages and tossers that are able to handle such attachment packages one smooth option is to handle echoes and fileechos in parallel ... future4fido as echo area and future4fido.att as fileecho future4fido handled by the tosser in old style way put the message into a folder future4fido.echo future4fido.att handled by fileticker in old style way put the attachments (if any) into a folder future4fido.echo.att a message with a picture included references / includes the picture with eg att\msgid-12345-pic-1234.jpg regards, uli ;-) --- GoldED-NSF/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-20090710 * Origin: AMBROSIA - Bad Ueberkingen - Germany (2:240/1120) .